Dr. Maurice Seaburne-May Rayner

British Medical Journal Dated June 22 1977

Dr. Maurice Seaburne-May Rayner, a consultant psychiatrist at St John’s Hospital, Lincoln, until his retirement in 1975, died suddenly on 16th of November 1976. He was 67.

Maurice Seaburne-May Rayner was born in 1909 and educated at St Peter’s School Weston-super-Mare; Exeter School Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge; and St Thomas’s Hospital. He graduated in medicine in 1935 and took the diploma in psychological medicine in 1940. After qualification he served as house physician and house surgeon at the Royal Infirmary, Bradford. Later he became assistant medical officer at St Andrew’s Hospital Northampton, and having decided on a career in psychiatry, held appointments at Cassel Hospital, London; at Graylingwell Chichester, and at St Andrew’s Norwich. He served in the RAMC from 1942 to 1946 as a psychiatrist specialist. In 1950 he settled at Lincoln, and became a much loved member of the consultant staff at St John’s Hospital. His patients were deeply attached to him and he was always loyal to them and to his colleagues.

Apart from his busy life as a consultant, Dr Rayner took a keen interest in local affairs, particularly in the British Legion and the British Council, of which he was a member for several years. He is survived by his wife and three sons.

  • To visit his full Genealogy Page please click on:- Rayner

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