The Times, November 6, 1961
THe funeral service for Major James Bourne Seaburne Bourne-May took place on Saturday at St Mary’s, Gatehouse-of-Fleet. The Rev. M.D. Walker officiated. A drummer from 1st Battalion, Coldstream Guards sounded Last Post and Reveille. THose present included:-
Mrs Bourne-May (widow) Mr and Mrs Geoffrey Bourne-May (sob and daughter-in-law), Lady McCulloch, Mr A.M. Jameson, Mr and Mrs W. J. McCulloch, Mr John McCulloch, the Lord Lieutenant of Kirkcudbright and the Countess of Galloway, and Brigadier Lord Stratheden and Campbell and Lieutenant-Colonel William Forbes (representing Coldstream Guards).
Mrs Robert Jameson and Colonel William May were unable to attend.
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