Sir William Henry May

My Great Grandfather

Of great interest is the full biography of William Henry May
Click on his name and it will direct you to his List of Appointments and to chapter 1 of his memoirs
There is no doubt the William Henry May is the centre of this website when it comes to documentation and historic information. Firstly he did so much and secondly much of what he did or was involved in, has been documented or retained by his descendants.
William Henry May participated as an officer in the Sir George Nares British Expedition of 1875-1876. In addition to a page of photographs and ‎his journal, you can link from this page to both Volume 1 and Volume 2 of the “Voyage to the Polar Seas Written by Sir George Nares.” For anybody interested in history it is well worth reading. The challenges that both ships went through along with their crew is unbelievable. For anybody directly descended from the Admiral it is a must read.


  1. Dear Sir/Madam

    I have recently come across an oil portrait of Admiral of the Fleet Sir William Henry May GCB, GCVO. (1849 – 1930) by Frank Watson Wood 1862-1953
    i would like to share it with the May family community. Ideally i would like unite it with a descendant or an institution museum etc where it will be appreciated, please let me know if you have any suggestions on how i can do this .

    bellow is a link to the portrait with details, the portrait itself will be cleaned and restored, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions


    Greg Page-Turner

  2. Dear Greg

    I have just happened upon this wonderful website and after tracing the genealogy of everyone back to William Henry I have also happened upon your comment above.

    I am William Francis Seaburne May, Son of William Robert, Son of William Drake, Son of Reginald and my family I’m sure would be very interested in hearing more about this portrait you mention. It would be great to speak if you get this message.

    Best regards

    William May

    +447968 325537

    • Did you ever get a response to your enquiry to Greg. If not I can try for you. We have not met, but I know Sally McCorquodale very well.

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