Edward Crofton 2nd Baron – Death

Sligo Chronicle -Saturday 01 January 1870


The death of the above-named nobleman took place at Mote Park on Monday night, in the 63rd year of his age. He had been recently attacked with symptoms of heart disease, for which he been treated by the family surgeon, Dr. Harrison  under whose skill and attention his health improved so much that his Lordship considered  himself again restored. He ventured to take gentle exercise with Lady Crofton in the Park on Monday, but had to he assisted home, owing to his weak state. From four o’clock until eleven that night he was in a languid and dying state, conscious that death had seized him.  His last moments on earth were peace. Around him were gathered his best beloved  on earth—his family, in much grief, deeply with the irreparable loss.

 When the bell of Roscommon Church  announced his departure, it is difficult to depict the gloom  and sorrow not only of the inhabitants of Roscommon, but the people of every denomination for miles around, with whom festivities ceased, and amusements were immediately abandoned.

His lordship was a model landlord. He was chairman of the board of Guardians, the board of Superintendence, and  of the board of  Governors, was instrumental in getting up a  local agricultural society, and under his presidency  not alone cultivation of land  and green crops improved but a friendly feeling has been established among all ranks and parties.

His lordships remains will be conveyed to the family vault, situate in the park, on Monday next.

The title devolves upon his son. the Hon Edward Crofton. 

Dublin Evening Mail – 29 December 1869

Ulster Gazette – Friday 31 December 1869

Clare Journal, and Ennis Advertiser – Thursday 30 December 1869

Cork Examiner -Friday 31 December 1869

Carlow Post – Saturday 01 January 1870

Kilkenny Moderator – Saturday 01 January 1870


We regret have to announce the death Edward Lord Crofton at Mote Park, county of Roscommon, on Monday. Lord Crofton had been indisposed, but his state of  health did not create much apprehension.  He was, however, rather  ill about mid-day Monday, and expired the same  night. Lord Crofton was 63 years of  age.

Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard – Saturday 01 January 1870

The Dublin Evening Mail announces the death of Edward Lord Crofton, at Mote Park, county Roscommon. The deceased nobleman was 63 years of age, and died, it is believed, of heart disease. He  has been unwell for some short time.

Saunder’s News-Letter – Wednesday 05 January 1870

Roscommon & Leitrim Gazette 0 Saturday 08 January 1870

The Evening Freeman – Wednesday 05 January 1870

Funeral of Lord Crofton.

(from our correspondent.)

Roscommon, January 3.— The funeral of this lamented nobleman took place to-day at Mote Park, when his remains were removed from the mansion to the family mausoleum within the park. The sons and many relatives of the deceased followed his remains to  the grave, as well as a large number of nobility and gentry and a numerous body of tenantry and farmers from the neighbourhood. The coffin was carried by a number of his tenantry to its last resting place. So large and orderly a funeral was never witnessed here, and it presented unmistakeable  evidence of  the universal respect and esteem in which the deceased nobleman and his family are held.

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