Roscommon Journal, and Western Impartial Reported – Saturday 21 February 1852
The Guardians of this Union met at half-past eleven o’clock, at which hour the Right Hon. Lord Crofton took the chair……
It is gratifying to perceive that very few applicants for admission presented themselves. Indeed if the weather was at all favourable to commence the spring business, very many of the inmates would quit the house; as it it there arc very few able-bodied labourers receiving relief.
Lord Crofton said it was quite wrong to have any of the hospital patients in the hall or the body of the house. A young fellow who was provisionally admitted on Monday, with a sore leg, was standing in the hall as his Lordship was going up to the Board room.
Mr. K. Corr said that there might a class of persons receiving hospital treatment that it would not be prudent to keep there, particularly as their hospital was too crowded. He thought the Doctor ought to be called, if any explanation was necessary.
Lord Crofton ultimately gave the poor fellow a ticket to the County Infirmary.
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