Liverpool Mercury – Thursday 28 May 1896
The funeral of the late Mr. Edward William Rayner took place yesterday afternoon, in the presence of a large number of friends, at the Smithdown-road Cemetery. The deceased gentleman was for 50 years a member of the firm of Messrs. J. H. Rayner and Co., general produce brokers, Oldhall-street, and, a director of the Royal Insurance Company, and he also took an active part in the management of the Bluecoat Hospital. Since the end of last year he had been in poor health, and on Sunday last he died in his 72nd year. The cortege yesterday left his residence in Ahercromby Square about two o’clock, and on arriving at the cemetery it was met by merchants and others who knew and respected the deceased during his long business career. The service was conducted by the Rev. Canon Stewart (rector of Liverpool). The coffin, which was of polished oak, bore the simple inscription ” Edward William Rayner, born 19th December, 1824-; died 24th May 1896.”- The chief mourners were Mr Edward Vivian Rayner, Mr. Seaburne Rayner, Mr Bryan Rayner, Mr. Maurice Rayner (sons), MM. Molyneux, Mr. Louis Winslos (sons-in-law) Mr. John May Captain Farrant, Mr. George Rayner, Mn John Rayner, Mr. Lloyd Rayner, Mr. Jeffery Lockett, Mr. R. Bogue, Dr. Davdson, Mr. Richard Roberts, Mr. Robert Alender, Mr Edmund Taylor J.P., Mr. Charles Lockett, Mr. Charles Hazlehurst, and the nurses and servants from the house. Amongst, those at the graveside were Dr. Wilson, Dr. Davidson, the Rev. T.-W. M. Lund, Messrs S. S. Parker, H. B. Muleneaux, R.N., Richard Gladstone, P. Holt, Arthur Earle, C. W. Brancker, H. S. Timmis, C. Macliver H. Maciver, Stanley Rogerson, A. H. Maxwell, Norman Darbyshire, T. A. Earle, T. Chilton, John Findlay, S. Findlay, W. D. Heyne, G. M. Wakefield, S. S. Bristow, J. J. Crosfield. J. hMorgan, Corbett Lowe, B. Haigh, John Rankin A. Black, R. H. Brockbank, F. Shaw, H. 0. Cooper, C. Stoltorfoht, W. Bellis, J. J. Fiher, Jonathan Atkinson (Medley and Sons), Mae. kenzie Smith, F. Newall Watson, T. W. Harley, J. S. Jackson, S. Jones, H. A. Graves, R. B. Dobell, E. Morris, Hugh Melly, J. B. Lloyd- Willians, P. Rimmer, A. Moor% G. Iangworthy, A. M. Smith, P. Statter, T. Martin Biughan, H. G. Schutz, J. L. Wilii4 G. H. Warren, J. Beaasire, Stewart Brown, T. W. Harley, J Barrow, T. M. Clunie, Gerald Latham, C. H. ‘Aomson, W. Adamson, John A. Marsh, K C. Turner, I. W. Jones, W. L. Nickels, G. Moore, C. Alcbek, J. E. Wilett, *H. W. Hinde, -. Irvine, James Adanson. Carriages were sent by Alderman W. Radcliffe, Mr. P. Blessig, Mr. W. Bowing, Mr. Mackenzie, Mr. Gilbert Moss, Mr. Heywood Bright, Miss Bailey, Mrn Henry Stewart-Brown, Mr. W. Pilkington, Mr. G. T. Dobell, Mr. E.C.. Turner, Mrs. Lockett, Mr. Edmondson, Mr. Imrie, and others. The coffin was covered with wreaths of beautiful flowers sent by Mr. and Mrs Norman Darbyshire, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Alexander, Mr. and Mr Frank Shaw, Alderman Oakshott, J.P., Mr. Henry Owen, the office staff, Mr. Hugh Rayner, Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Wilson and family, Miss Forget, Mrs Rogge, the servants, Mr. cnd Mrs. Findlay, Miss Annie Findlay, Mr. and the Misses Chilton, Mrs. Dickson and family (of Chatto), Mr. Gilbert T. Moss, Mr. and Mrs. George Wakefield, Mr. and Mrs. William Radcliffe, Mm and Mrs. J. May-Bourne and family, Lady White and Miss White, Mr. and Mrs. William Hlankin, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lockett, Mr. and Mrs Herbert Winsloe, Mr. Louis Winsice’s children, Mrs Charles Hazlehurst, Mr. and Mr. C. W. Hazlehurst, Major and Mrs Morse, Mr. and Mrs. Cola Stolterfoht, Mr. and Mrs Henry Hammond, Captain and Mrs. Farrant and family. Mrs.W. T. Canard, Mrs. Edward Rayner, and Edie, Freda (children), Seaburne, Bryan and Tim, Mr.Oscar Rayner, Mr. and Mrs V. Rayner, and Ned, Blanche, Jessie, and Billy (grandchildren), and Mr. John Rayner. The funeral arrangements were carried out by Messrs. Woollright and Co., of Bold-street.
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