Wedding Annnouncment for Bernard McGouran and Johanna O’Callaghan Toronto Daily Star 29 Sep 1945
Rev. Father B O’Donnell officiated at a ceremony in St Basil’s Church today, uniting Johanna O’Callaghan and Bernard McGouran in marriage. The bride is the daughter of Mrs O’Callaghan and the late Charles O’Callaghan, and the groom is the son of Mrs McGouran and the late Thomas McGouran. Gowned in white satin styled with a shirred bodice, and a finger-tip veil arranged to a head dress of ostrich tips and pearls. The bride was given in marriage by her uncle J.O. Farrell. She carried gladioli petals and pink roses. The bridal attendant, Anna McGouran as maid of honor, in rose and Jenny Conrad and Francis Ronan as Bridesmaids, in blue were in bouffant taffeta with matching feather half hats dropped in veiling. Pat Wilson was groomsman. For the reception, Mrs O’Callaghan was wearing a navy ensemble, while the groom’s mother had chosen black crepe with touches of cerise. To travel the bride changed to a suit of beige and brown tweed, beige topcoat and pink rose corsage.
Jim O’Farrell (uncle) and Johanna at St Basils Church Toronto.
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