Obituary notice – assume from a local Maltese Newspaper.
Death of Capt. Edward Noble Price – June 28th 1933
Malta’s Oldest English Resident
A Link with the Past
It is with profound regret that we record the death of Malta’s oldest English resident, Captain Edward Noble Price, R.N,. (Retired) who passed away at his residence, Villa Frere, in the early hours of Wednesday morning, after a brief illness, at the venerable age of 82.
Captain Price was a well known figure in Malta. He had been amongst us since his retirement from the Navy in 1885. He has always loved the land of his adoption: had identified himself closely with its life and institutions, and by his friendly and genial personality had won the friendship and esteem of all who knew him. His passing removes from our midst a familiar, almost legendary figure, and his loss will be keenly felt by all classes of the Anglo-Maltese community. There are many who will miss him in a particular way for, unobtrusively and often indeed anonymously he gave of his charity liberally and rarely refused help when it was asked of him.
On Leaving the Navy and settling down in Malta, Captain Price married Contessa Giuseppina Messina, who survives him. He leaves also one son Cdr. T. Price, R.N., (ret) and three daughters, one of whom is at present in Malta on a visit , the others are in England. Cdr. Price is also away from Malta, but is expected to return within a few days time. Captain’s daughters are all married and are Mrs May, Mrs Baxter and Mrs Clute.
For 47 years Captain Price has lived at Villa Frere, one of Malta’s show places. There he entertained every royalty who came to Malta, including members of the Royal Family. Practically every important visitor to Malta called at Villa Frere, and many writers have inspiration for their pen in the Villa’s beautiful gardens.
As we have remarked, Captain Price’s last illness was of a brief duration. Up to a few years ago he took a most active part in the affairs of the island, and even up to a few weeks ago attended every function which he felt required or merited his support. He was keenly interested in the Malta Boy Scouts Association though he took no active part in the movement, his interest transplanting itself into the practical forms of help.
Captain Price was a figure in the Navy of the Victorian era. His last ship prior to his retirement was H.M.S. Lively. He was a member of the old “Flying Squad” and was one of the men who went round the world. He had many adventures and was twice shipwrecked. It is indeed impossible to touch even lightly upon his many experiences in those distant days since settling in Malta. Captain Price took active interest in many local organizations. He was until last year, President of the Malta Horticultural Society, and prominent figure at the Society’s shows at San Antonio Gardens. Soon after his retirement he founded the Malta Branch of the Navy League. During his long life here he never failed to associate himself with anything that has stood for the welfare of the island and its people. Even in the latter years he has kept himself abreast of the time in every way and had never allowed his interest to flag. It is to this live interest that he no doubt owed his vigorous physique and powerful personality.
We offer our sincere condolences to the bereaved family, and assure them of our…….(balance of paper obituary missing)
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