The Times January 17th 2024
Roseanne Serena Corlett – nee Walker
died peacefully at home on 11th January 2024 aged 75 years.
“She who lives in our hearts lives forever.”
Beloved wife of Anthony and widow of Nicolas Gardner.
Private cremation followed by a service to celebrate the life of Roseanne
at St Mary’s Church, Donhead St Mary, Shaftesbury SP7 9DQ
on Tuesday 30th January at 12.30pm.
Donations made in memory of Roseanne will be given to
The Dog’s Trust and Donhead St Mary PCC. These can be made
in the retiring collection, online here or sent to
Merefield & Henstridge (Funeral Directors), “Ridgemount”, Pitts Lane,
West Melbury, Shaftesbury, Dorset SP7 0BU.
Please make cheques payable to the individual charity.
What a lovely photo of Roseanne and Anthony.Such a blast of colour,in her painting and her life
She was a wonderful lady