Thomas Agnew May

Exeter and Plymouth Gazette – Tuesday 19 November 1929



The funeral took place yesterday at Staplegrove, near Taunton, of  Mr. T. A. May, who died at Wonford Road, Exeter, where he resided with his only surviving daughter, Mrs. Seaburne Rayner. Deceased was one time headmaster of Bishop’s Stortford School, Herts, and afterwards second master at Kelly College, Tavistock. The service was conducted by the Rector (the Rev. P. C. Harris), and the choir was in attendance, Mr. H. Frost presiding the organ. Psalm 90 was chanted, and the hymn, “Brief life here our portion,” was sung. The organist played ” O Rest in the Lord” and Chopin’s Funeral March. The mourners were Mr. and Mrs. Rayner, Exeter (son-in-law and daughter), Mr. C. G. May, Woking (brother), Miss Grace May, Totnes (niece), Miss M. E. Peck, London, and Miss A. C. Sandford, Clevedon (cousins) and Mr. Wallis, Bishops Stotford (for many years deceased’s gardener). Among others present were Mr. H. Jones (Kingston), Mrs. Harris, Mrs. M. Jarvis. Miss Vaughan, O.B.E.,., Miss L. Greenliam, and Miss E. Westlake.

The coffin was lowered Into a grave beautifully lined with foliage by Mr. W. Slocombe. The inscription on the footplate read: “Thomas Agnew May; died November 13th, 1929.” 






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