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Archibald Seaburne May RN - Naval Career Pictures

The photographs in this album have been scanned from one of his photo albums. They date from 1911 to 1922.
Archibald May

Archibald Seaburne May Family album

The pictures in this part of the album are taken from his album that deals initially after his retirement from the Navy to his death. The album was then continued by my Grandmother Mary
Bughtrig - The May Family


  1. Greetings from Halifax, NS. This is Kerry Crofton from the Salt Spring Island, BC branch of the Crofton family.

    I am trying to get in touch with Crofton relatives in the UK – William and Rosemary Mahon – I have lost touch of
    their contact info as it has been many years since we visited them in England.

    Also trying to get in touch again with Peter May now living in Canada.

    Please answer me by my email: kerry108@telus.net . or landline: 902 420.6770

  2. Hi Kerry
    We are descendants of Josephine Messina ,if you would like more information on that side of the family ,we have some,
    Incidentally my mother was born and grew up in Halifax N.S, we live in England now
    Kind regards
    Joe Hoare

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