Genealogy of the May and Crofton Families
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 Putney Vale Cemetery, Putney, London, England


Latitude: 51.43902871975925, Longitude: -0.24530410766601562 | Click to get directions to Putney Vale Cemetery

Burial site is 2 blocks away from the church.


 Thumb Description Status Location Name (Died/Buried)
Diana Crofton - Close up
Diana Crofton - Close up
  1. Latitude: 51.441807, Longitude: -0.24154299999997875  Diana Marie Faith Crofton (d. 7 Sep 1979)
Headstone - Close up of Alexander Macdonbald and Mabel Day (Crofton)
Headstone - Close up of Alexander Macdonbald and Mabel Day (Crofton)
  2. Latitude: 51.441807, Longitude: -0.24154299999997875   
Headstone - Francis Alice Day and John Day
Headstone - Francis Alice Day and John Day
This is a close up of the Headstone Alice & John Day being the parents of Mabel Day. Other part of headstone is for Mabel Day (Crofton). 
  3. Latitude: 51.441807, Longitude: -0.24154299999997875  John T Day (d. 20 Jan 1930)
Headstone - John Day, Mabel Day and Diana Crofton
Headstone - John Day, Mabel Day and Diana Crofton
Alice Day & John Day mother to Mabel Day
Alexander Francis Macdonald 1st husband of Mabel 
  4. Latitude: 51.441807, Longitude: -0.24154299999997875  Diana Marie Faith Crofton (d. 7 Sep 1979)
Cecillia Mabel Day (d. 7 Oct 1972)
John T Day (d. 20 Jan 1930)
John Day, Cecliia Day, Diana Faith Crofton and Frances Alice Day
John Day, Cecliia Day, Diana Faith Crofton and Frances Alice Day
Burial plot is 2 blocks away from the main Church 
Located    Diana Marie Faith Crofton (d. 7 Sep 1979)
Cecillia Mabel Day (d. 7 Oct 1972)
John T Day (d. 20 Jan 1930)